2012 Meeting Dates

2012 Meeting Dates:
May 24 | June 28 | July 26 | August 23 | September 20 | October 25 | November 29 - Holiday Meeting | December - No Meeting

Please contact us for location information.

(253) 851-0007 or GigHarbor.BING@gmail.com
If you don't catch us on the phone, there is an option in our voicemail for group information.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Welcome to our Blog! Please provide suggestions for discussion topics.


  1. Hi there,
    I'm phantom blogger, Sara Bellum, a fellow brain injury survivor. As this blog gets launched, I would like to suggest a few topics for discussion. Please add your topic ideas or comment on those already posted. Join in the discussion!
    - Nutrition & Beyond for Brain Health & Recovery
    - Physical Exercise: How it helps cognitive functioning. Suggestions on types & duration of exercise, success stories, safety & sensory overload, etc.
    - Helpful practitioners in various specialities such as: occupational therapy, physical therapy, nutritional therapy, music/art therapy, counseling, vocational therapy, vision therapy, neurology,etc.
    - Caregiver resources & support
    - Books, magazines, websites, movies, etc. to help understand & deal with brain injury.
    This is just a start. More later:) Have a great day!
    Sara Bellum

  2. Another possible monthly topic:
    Highlights From the GHBING Meeting

    Those absent can stay up-to-date ... those with short-term memory problems can review at their leisure ... ahhh an electronic blog sticky note ... how nice!:)

  3. Had a GREAT time at our first Brain Injury Cooking Club! The food was delightfully Yummy! I enjoyed the wonderful support from everyone and it really helped me feel good to be able to relate certain symptoms to others and know I am not along or crazy! Thank you all for being there with me and helping me with my success!I hope I can give back as much I feel I am getting!
